J K Group of Companies
Vice Chairperson’s Desk
“Learning gives creativity, Creativity leads to thinking, Thinking provides knowledge, and knowledge makes you great.” Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam.
It has been a decade since our endeavor to blend Indian values with global outlook in our students began. I am glad to share that we have taken care of strengthening all the four pillars for a good education in a school, the curriculum, faculty, methodology ,evaluation and supervisory tools.
Realising the important role technology plays in our life today, we have introduced expert school management system to manage, analyse and use data for efficient decision making in the best interest of the students.
No education is worth if it does not prepare children for life. It also fails the test if children do not develop sensitivity towards social needs and responsibilities. We try to inculcate the sensitivity amongst our children through our curriculum. I wish you a great experience in parenting, a healthy and cooperative relationship with the school and a very bright future for our students.
Chandra Shikha Singh
(Vice Chairperson)