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J K Group of Companies

Chairperson’s Desk

The objectives of taking up this responsibility are many. The school strongly believes in empowering the students awakening the feeling of empathy towards fellow being and excellence in scholastic and non- scholastic areas. We provide great opportunity to emerge as a confident human being. It primarily originates from sheer admiration of the magnanimity of this wonderful campus along with the aspirations to elevate the campus to a new level of excellence.
Today India is marching towards 21st century giving boost to educational training to enable India’s skilled professionals to compete successfully on global platform. Me and my teams vision has been upbringing of every single child to the status of a global citizen, while preserving our cultural values and traditions.

I have the highest expectation from staff, parents, executive committee members and student body. It is making of a team aiming at “Excellence” in whatever we do.

J K International School endeavors to fly high and the effort would be further made to a respectable height through outstanding teaching and non teaching staff. Through the constant reinforcement of the core value, we can fully prepare our students for adult life. We need to enable them to practice and develop leadership qualities, to be motivated, confident, independent learners who can understand the value of being respectful and tolerant international citizens.

Institutions are not the market places, neither education is a commodity traded on demand and supply. On the other hand Institutions are knowledge spaces and education is a value in itself to distinguish between fair and unfair, just and unjust. We prepare students to place their skills at the service of the people. This social push will produce great change in the society.

I hope that these visions are not to be held alone, it is indeed to be shared and we need to prove that with “Unity”, and greatest strength, darkness of ignorance can be wiped off, enlightening every single soul.

Jitendra Singh
